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Life as a Waitress

Life as a Waitress

What is like to work in a bar? some of you may never experience this, but some will so here is a story for you. While I was in my first week of working in a new job I was loving, one night I was behind the bar learning the ropes when the male bartender asked me to pour a red wine for the man at the counter. So I did. Red wine once opened though have to have the air pumped out of the bottle with this funny little cork and little pump. As I was new I had never done this before, and was excited to learn.

After doing it I asked the bartender if i had done it correctly, when the man she had just served chimed in. “yeah you pumped that real good” with a wink and sexual undertone. I being ABSOLUTELY GOBSMACKED at the words this man just said to me, I was silent.

Then something that was so small yet made such an impact on me happened. The male bartender steps in to say “Hey mate that’s not okay to talk to her like that, it’s very inappropriate” the embarrassment on the mans face was priceless. I felt valued and to have another man call him up on his behaviour i was very grateful.

Another time a few months later i had a big group of tradies who had been drinking a lot by this time. when they went outside for a smoke i went and cleaned some other tables. Me being completely oblivious, when they all came back inside my manager (again male) went over to have a talk to them. I’m just thinking he’s seeing if they’re all good but as i got closer i heard him say “i don’t care how much money you’ve spent here do not disrespect my staff that way” as he walked away he told me that while i was cleaning the tables they were dancing behind me very sexually. Again i didn’t care for what they had done at that point i cared for my co worker standing up for me

This story praises something that can be felt across all aspects of discriminatory behaviour. In a sexiest society, feminism can achieve a lot! but at the end of the day, men hold the power, which is completely unfair. So when a man calls up another, that’s showing that the patriarchy is crumbling. When men aren’t approving of this behaviour towards women we are making ground on female prosperity!! girls supporting girls is so incredibly important! but having men supporting our movement as well is the icing on the cake.


A Love Letter To Myself

A Love Letter To Myself

The Big O

The Big O