Jun 21 Jun 21 Secrets Hurt Em Em believes... Is keeping secrets to stay out of trouble REALLY worth it?
Jun 9 Jun 9 Who Do You Believe? Em Em believes..., Side bar posts Who are you really protecting when you deny abuse happened?
Jun 8 Jun 8 That Girl Is Too Much Em Em believes... Rejection hurts - but lashing out isn't the answer
Jun 2 Jun 2 She's So Easy Em Em believes... Spreading rumours might seem harmless - until you're the target
May 18 May 18 Not Safe Anywhere Em Em believes... Why do guys think it's OK to perve at you - even when it makes you feel scared?
May 16 May 16 It's Not A Compliment Em Em believes... Why are we supposed to take sexual harassment as a 'compliment'?
May 11 May 11 Boys Vs Friends Em Em believes... Why do girls blame the GIRL when a guy they like doesn't like them back?