Read real stories about inspiring women and be empowered to look after your mind, body and spirit through the good and bad times.



This poem is done by a young autistic woman surviving abuse. It has been written to make sense of what happened to them as the disability made it hard to comprehend what had happened. She hopes that this  may help someone with a similar disability feel less alone.

Writing poetry can be a way to help process difficult experiences, and can be used as a mindfulness tool to support the healing journey. Creative expressions like these can also help us to connect with each other and feel less alone. We admire the bravery of the survivor who wrote Consent? and thank them for sharing this impactful piece with us all.


First time we hung out in your car
get to know each other
he made me feel safe
in this space

We talked about life
and typical topics
when a shy man
Likes a nice girl

Two minds buzzing
on hyper speed
curious if
I have met my match
Hoping to slowly become a whole
to drift in this world together

Second time we meet
It was different
he was using pick up lines
slipping into basic speak
seemed odd for a man
who said "oh I am so shy, when around a beautiful girl"
like borrowed from someone else's lips

Comments that
made me feel
like my body
was his private artwork

Proposing a question
"Can I hold your hand?'
Innocently I accepted
another question followed
"Can I put my hand on your knee?'
I concede
feeling still in my safe zone

Questions meant to disarm
trying to find my hidden treasure
where X marks the spot

Feeling like he
was knocking the breath
out of my lungs
airless laugh
filling up my throat

Listing out the rules
he seemed to accept
the fine print

Shutting down the pressure
to be a "girlfriend"

One year passed-
"maybe he's not that bad,
You are free now to give the
girlfriend idea a full try"

Fucked up "surprise"
bended words
"Good girl, you like that - Ah?"
to make my body come undone

Mind unconsenting
separating from body
not going to deal with the aftermath

Is it my fault?
A question
left under my skin

- Remy

If you, or someone you know has experienced sexual violence at any time in your life, there are a range of supportive services you can get in touch with to talk and find help - check out Who to reach out to for more info.

A Letter to my Body: Revisited

A Letter to my Body: Revisited

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